ILLUS Creates the Beauty of Night Art at ancient gate of Yuexiu Park

  • By Chloe
  • Projects
Xiaobei City Gate  lighting project

As the largest comprehensive park in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, Yuexiu Park attracts countless visitors with its majestic natural scenery and rich and diverse cultural heritage. Among them, the "Xiaobei City Gate", an antique building located at the east gate of the park, has attracted a lot of attention. In order to enhance the nighttime image of Yuexiu Park and help the development of nighttime economy, the Xiaobei City Gate will be designed for lighting up in the near future. This article introduces the project, which was carried out by ILLUS Lighting Design.


#Characteristics and value of the city gate

The Xiaobei City Gate has a classical and solemn architectural style, integrating appreciation, commemoration and image, and has become an important landmark building in Yuexiu Park. It was designed in the style of the old city wall of Yuexiu Mountain and was officially completed in October 2010. Today, the Xiaobei Gate will usher in a new night lighting renovation, aiming to show its majestic and classical temperament and create a unique and solemn night view for the park.

#Lighting Design Principles

In lighting design, Illus follows the following principles to create a unique and artistic night scene effect:

Focus on demand: precise positioning, customized

Lighting design must fully understand the needs of the Party A and the owner, accurately locate the characteristics of the ancient city gates and customize the lighting scheme. Through in-depth communication with the relevant parties, Illus ensures that the characteristics of the building and the cultural connotations it conveys are accurately grasped.

Creative Leadership: Combination of classical solemnity and fashionable modernity

Illus Lighting Design sought to capture the classical solemnity of the Xiaobei City Gate and create a unique artistic night landscape. While injecting vitality, the pursuit of fashionable sense of the times, so that the ancient city gate in the night glows with a different charm.

Technical guarantee: control light pollution and emphasize the principle of energy saving

In the lighting design, Illus focuses on controlling light pollution and utilizes modern technological lighting methods and controls to interpret the artistic effect of night lighting. At the same time, we also emphasize the principle of energy saving, lighting energy-saving planning and design, to ensure that the brightness of the light to meet the functional lighting at the same time, can create a unique sense of space and warm atmosphere for the ancient city gate.

#Lighting Design for the projects

Illus proposed the following scheme for the lighting enhancement design of Xiaobei City Gate:

Selection of lighting hue

The architectural lighting color tone of the project is mainly RGB+W, and the color temperature can be adjusted according to different time periods and festivals. Through the change of light, fully express the "classical" and "fashion" characteristics of the city gate. In the use of light color and illumination, the designers will pay attention to avoid glare, so as not to affect the pedestrian viewing experience.

Simple and bright color presentation

In order to create a lighting effect with cultural connotations, the designers will use simple and bright colors to draw a magical brushstroke of light for the city gates. Through the clever use of light, color, brightness and contrast, the designers hope to break through the visual conventions and bring people endless space for imagination.

Response to festivals and performances

As an important attraction of Yuexiu Park, Xiaobei City Gate is often visited by various festivals and performances. In order to respond to the needs of different occasions, the lighting design program will provide the appropriate conditions. Whether it is solemn and solemn or joyful and lively, the lighting can aptly present different atmospheres.


Through Illus' lighting enhancement design, Xiaobei City Gate will become a bright landscape in Yuexiu Park at night. Relying on the classical and solemn architectural style, combined with the use of modern lighting technology, the image of the city gate at night will be more majestic and solemn. This will not only enhance the night image of Yuexiu Park, but also inject a new impetus for the development of night-time economy.

Illus prioritizes quality, ensuring durable and energy-efficient solutions that meet industry standards. We dedicated to providing tailored guidance and support, ensuring that every project is executed with precision and finesse.

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