Maling River Central Wetland Park Nightscape Lighting Solution

  • By Chloe
  • Solution
Maling River Central Wetland Park Nightscape Lighting Solution

The night lighting project of the southern section of the Maling River Central Wetland Park aims to solve the current problems of monotonous night landscape and insufficient visitor experience, enhance the overall attractiveness of the park, and promote the development of night-time economy. By adopting Illus' internationalized lighting solutions, we not only aesthetically enhanced the night landscape effect of the park, but also technically realized energy saving, environmental protection and intelligent control, which brought significant social, economic and ecological benefits to the park.

#Planning Strategies

Enhance Visitor Experience

Illus's lighting design takes food as the base color, scenery as the matching color, and culture as the bright color, and comprehensively enhances the nighttime experience of visitors by constructing diversified nighttime consumption businesses, such as night scenery, night performances, night tours, night shopping, night banquets, night entertainment, and night stays. Diversified night activities and rich visual effects will attract more visitors, extend their stay and increase the overall foot traffic of the park.

Promoting Night-time Economy

The project promotes nighttime consumption by creating unique nighttime landscapes and interactive experience zones. Different zones such as the special cultural experience zone, the night shopping center and the tranquil waterfront surrounded by commercial areas will attract visitors to shop, entertain and spend money in the park, forming a new point of economic growth and promoting the development of the regional night-time economy.

#Planning Structure

-Portrayal of the water environment and nighttime light environment along the river landscape

The river landscape is the core element of the project. We create a colorful night light environment on both sides of the river, and through the clever application of lighting technology, the water landscape environment glows charmingly at night. The landscape zone on both sides of the shoreline will become an ideal place for visitors to swim and entertain at night.

-Sunshine Showplace and Fountain Water Dance Show

The Sunshine Showground runs through the whole project area and becomes the main place for visitors to watch and interact. By setting up the fountain water dance show at both ends of the showground, combined with the interpretation of lighting and water dance, it creates an ups and downs, fascinating visual effects. Different scenic nodes in each area make the play process more interesting and attractive.

#Distinctive areas

Specialty Cultural Experience Zone

The Specialty Cultural Experience Area will be the main place for visitors' interaction, leisure and entertainment. We will design participatory and entertaining lighting effects in this area, with an immersive tour line, so that visitors can feel the charm of culture in the light and shadow changes, and enhance the interactivity and entertainment.

Night Shopping Center

The Night Shopping Center is located on both sides of the water system landscape belt, mainly focusing on commerce. The area has a long and narrow path and a compact structure. The lighting design will take the Sunshine Theater as an important node, and the green landscape belt along the coast extends to the fountain water dance show at the end of the area, forming a complete visual experience.

Tranquil waterfront around the commercial area

The tranquil waterfront around the commercial area will focus on creating a river landscape zone at night. Lighting vignettes will be installed in the river, and ecologically interesting animal landscape vignettes will be set up along the way to provide visitors with a quiet and vibrant place to walk at night.

Technical Safeguards

Illus will employ intelligent time-sharing and hierarchical energy-saving lighting controls, including energy-saving modes and festive modes, to ensure optimal lighting effects and energy savings in different time periods and scenarios. Our intelligent lighting system automatically adjusts brightness and lighting hours to optimize energy efficiency while maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of the night scene. Strictly controlling the brightness and the number of lights, we achieve significant power savings by reducing the brightness, complying with national standards and avoiding unnecessary energy wastage.Illus leverages on its international experience and technological strengths to provide high quality lighting solutions for the southern section of the Maling River Central Wetland Park.


Illus, as an international lighting solution specialist, provided a visually stunning, environmentally friendly and energy efficient night lighting solution for the southern section of the Maling River Central Wetland Park through innovative design and advanced technology.

Our plan not only enhances visitors' nighttime experience and promotes the development of the nighttime economy, but also strictly follows the principle of green lighting and realizes high efficiency and energy saving.Illus' multi-loop intelligent lighting control system and smart lighting technology ensure the best lighting effect and energy efficiency, fully demonstrating our strength and commitment as a leading global lighting brand.

We are committed to providing excellent lighting solutions for every project, helping to build a national nighttime cultural and tourism consumption gathering area.

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